
a course archive of notes and references

Week 14

  • Qian Liu, “‘Kill the Chicken to Scare the Monkey’: Heavy Penalties, Excessive COVID-19 Control, Mechanisms, and Legal Consciousness in China” Law & Policy, 2023, early view
  • Bin Liang, “Legality of Reprimand and Contest of Public Trust Amid the Pandemic: The Case of the Inadvertent Whistleblower Li Wenliang,” in Chinese Legality Ideology, Law, and Institutions, edited by Shiping Hua, Routledge, 2023

Laws cited in Liu:

  • 关于依法惩治妨害新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控违法犯罪的意见 (Opinions on punishing criminal and illegal activities that hinder the prevention and control of COVID-19) (2020)
  • Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (2020).

article 25 of Administrative Penalty Laws is the closest but still does not apply to Li Wenliang’s case (problem of intention and punishment)

“hierarchical trust”

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